Security council resolution 242 pdf download

United nations s res 2334 2016 security council distr general 23 december 2016 resolution 2334 2016 adopted by the security council at its 7853 rd meeting, on 23 december 2016. United nations security council resolution 242 and the. Full text of unsc resolution 2334, demanding israel stop all settlement activity approved on december 23 by 140, with us abstaining, text seeks action to reverse the negative trends on the. Introduction there is hardly any united nations resolution which is quoted and. Resolution passed by the security council in the aftermath of the six day war in. Palestinians and arab states, to support a claim that israel. It has become the cornerstone for all stages in the settlement of the.

Johnson said, now, finally, let me turn to the middle eastand to the tumultuous events of the past months. In 2009 the administration of us president barack obama has decided to renew american efforts to broker a comprehensive and lasting peace between the state of israel and the palestinian authority. This resolution is constantly referred to by the p. This was a british sponsored compromise between the threepower and us drafts, calling on all parties to end territorial claims, respect sovereignty, and for israel to withdraw from occupied territories. United nations security council resolution 242 wikipedia. Resolution 242 1967 of 22 november 1967 the security council, expressing its continuing concern with the gravtsituation in the middle east, emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in which every state in the area can live in security. Resolution 242 1967 of 22 november 1967 the security council, expressing its continuing concern with the grave situation in the middle east, emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and. Security council resolution 242 at twenty five in memory of our son michael 19591982 ruth lapidoth 1. The misleading interpretation of security council resolution 242 1967. Full text of unsc resolution 2334, demanding israel stop. Expressing its continuing concern with the gravt situation in the middle east. S res 242 overview of security council resolutions.

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